O God of love, I thank You for this good time of prayer. So far You have been gracious to answer my prayers and bless me. Now I am not able to live closer to You as I used to because of the sinful thoughts in me. These thoughts overpower me. They induce vain thoughts and spoil my concentration. I am not able to meditate on the Word of God with interest. Even in prayer life, this affects me. Be gracious with me, O Jesus Christ. I used to listen to Your voice and act accordingly. Then I had peace and joy in my heart. But now even if I hear Your word, I am not able to live accordingly. O Lord, I should not become a child of disobedience. Have mercy on me. I think of Your steadfast love and kindness to me. Thoughts of sin arise in me. Even at times I try to spend more time in meditation and prayer, worldly thoughts and problems make me go back in my decision. O Lord, I shed tears thinking of Your love and mercy. Help me to be cleansed with Your blood and to be rooted in the original love I had for You and make me grow in my spiritual life. I humble myself in prayer before You. Let me have Your answer. Only You can deliver me. Help me to have victory in this spiritual warfare and to have the strength to bear witness about You as before. Stabilize my spiritual life in You. Let not any hidden sins come near me. Help me to be restored and revived in my spiritual life, and to live and work for You. As You would do that, I praise and thank You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, O Father. Amen.