Beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ! Once I met a woman affected by the Parkinson’s disease while ministering in a place. We proclaimed to her Jesus Christ and prayed for her. Whenever we went there, we would meet her, comfort her and pray for her. Being affected very much, she went for medical treatment. For treating, they had to open her skull, attach a micro-chip and attach wires to control the activities of her body. This surgery had to be performed without the help of anaesthesia. She was terribly afraid of the treatment to be given to her. She was also sure that she would not survive. She was hopeless. She was given the promise of that month: “. . .. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand”(Isaiah 41:10). When the surgeons opened her skull, they found a lot of liquid in her brain. As they were performing the operation, the pulse rate was dropping down steadily. She heard the 12 doctors attending on her say that she would not survive. They were busy around her. She heard and saw what was happening around her. She was afraid. But she could not speak a word. She was praying in her heart to the Lord not to forsake her but to help her. A person touched her. Immediately, there was a transformation in her body as well as in her heart. There was comfort and peace in her. She thought that it was a hand of a doctor. But as she opened her eyes, there was no one around her. She understood that it must be the Lord and praised Him. Dear child of God, you may also be going through such struggles in life. Do not be troubled. The Lord who said, “...I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10) still lives. He will not forsake you. Do not look at the circumstances of your struggle. Do not lose heart. He will protect you by His mighty act.