“...Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.”

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Dearly beloved in Christ,

I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Once a young woman was brought for prayer. She had completed her postgraduate studies and was expecting to be employed. But she had lost her joy and peace and was greatly disturbed in spirit. When I started to pray for her, I asked her whether she had the habit of sitting near a pond of water. She confessed that there was pond in the place where she studied. Some came there and dropped coins into it. She had asked them why they did it. They said that what they desired would happen if they did so. Then she also did the same and after that act, she was highly disturbed and lost all her joy and peace. She could not sleep after that. She began to sit alone and ponder upon vain thoughts. Later she also began to have headache. After completing all her exams, she went home. Her parents found something amiss with her and brought her for prayer.

Today many leave their trust in the Lord, and do things other worldly people do and are ensnared in the works of the devil. Thus, they open the doors for the evil spirit to operate in their lives. Psalm 40:4 says, “Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust . . .” Contrary to this, there are a lot of people who trust on things created by God and seek them and thereby they do harm to themselves. You might have seen soccer players on entering the ground bowing to the ground and touching and worshipping it. The soil on which we tread becomes an object of worship for them. Hence, they meet with failure and undergo suffering in various ways. That girl also suffered a lot just because of doing a thing that is abominable to the Lord. But the Lord of mercy was gracious enough to hear our prayers and deliver her. The evil which claimed her to be their own left her. She regained her joy and peace and began to behave normally.

Dearly beloved in Christ, let us have this in mind and trust only in the Lord. We would have peace, joy, healing and success.

May the Lord bless us all!

Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.