“He will fulfil the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them.” Psalm 145:19 Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord God knows all our desires and thoughts of our heart. Once we were passing through a place where there was a beautiful church at one side of the road. I thought whether it would be possible for me to minister and share the word of God in that church. That month as I was planning for the ministry of that month with the letters of invitations received, without knowing the names of places I gave consent for a few of those invitations according to the guidance of the Spirit. So the meetings were arranged. I had consented to a meeting in a village not known to me. But when I went there, I was greatly surprised. I realized that it was the very church I had desired to minister once. I praised the Lord. Dear child of God, our God knows the desires and longings of our heart. He desires us to live with the fear of the Lord.Commit to live fearing the Lord. Hate wicked things. That is the fear of the Lord. The Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. When he obeyed and was about to do it, the Lord commended him saying, “...Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” (Gen. 22:12). Besides detesting evil things, let us obey the word of God. The Lord will fulfil all our desires, both small and great.
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul