“He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest wheat.” Psalm 147:14
Beloved in Christ, Greetings to you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Once an opportunity came for a sister to work in a foreign land. As the husband also agreed to send her abroad, she took her only daughter along with her. As there was a way open for her husband also to go there, they had made up their minds for it. The same company had invited him also to join the company. In a few months, they could not live together peacefully in one place. The manager of the office where the husband worked denied him permission to go to the US. It was a terrible situation for them. They waited upon the Lord and let the Lord know about their problems. The only daughter of the manager took ill and so he went on long leave. The one who assumed responsibility as manager immediately relieved him to enable him to join his job in the US. There was peace at home and in the company where he worked. Dear child of God, the Lord who makes peace in your borders is still alive. He came as the Prince of Peace. When you bring your problems and worries before Jesus Christ in prayer and supplication, the peace of God will fill your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ. The loving God will not forsake you but would protect you as the apple of the eye. He will give you peace in a mysterious way and bless you. May the Lord bless us so!
In the service of Christ Jesus,
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.