“Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”
Psalm 50:15
Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A family came to participate in a meeting conducted here recently. They had to travel five hours to reach the place. They wanted to pray with me before returning. So they came to the house where I stayed. But the host of the house wanted them to have food with them. After that, their 11 year old daughter went to the rest room. When she closed the door of the room, an unusual thing happened. All of a sudden, electricity failed. She tried to open the door of the room, but she couldn’t. The owner of the house made all efforts to open it; but failed. The mother of the girl comforted her. They did not know what to do. They thought they could contact 911. I was in another room. I started praying. I prayed in my heart to the Almighty God to help in opening the door. My wife also joined with me in prayer. We continued to pray. They tried by turning the handle of the door from outside. It opened all of a sudden. She came out. She was drenched in sweat. The electricity too was restored. There was great deliverance and joy.
Dear Brother/ Sister, we have a God who can open doors. Do not be dismayed that the doors to blessings have been closed. As Paul and Silas praised the Lord God, a miracle happened. The foundation of the jail was shaken; the bonds of those who heard them were released; the doors of the prison opened. Let us also praise the Lord in our oppression.
Today if you commit to live according to His words, the Lord will open the doors for you. He is the One who keeps open doors before you. The Lord will open the doors of blessings as He lives and remains the same. He will open the doors that remain shut and will bless you. Let us praise the Lord and pray. The Lord will do great things and make you happy.
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.