Beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Once I prayed for a young man and as the Lord loved him He revealed a thing that He had performed in his life. “You should have drowned in water, but the Lord protected you and gave you life, and He has been guiding you all these days. If you love this Lord Jesus Christ, He will bless you abundantly.” After telling him what the Lord revealed to me about him, I enquired him what had happened.
He then shared with me what had happened in his early life. He did not know swimming, but had gone for fishing. Then he slipped and fell into water. When he was gulping in water and was struggling for life, an elderly man noticed him. That man by the grace of God took him out of water and saved him. Then he realized the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Brother/ Sister, the Lord Jesus Christ who loves us thus rescues us from various disasters we face in life and protects us as the apple of the eye. Today if you give room in your heart to love, to praise and to worship Him, He will deliver you from all the schemes of the devil and witchcraft.
“I will lift up my eyes to the hills—from whence comes my help?” (Psalm 121:1-2). According to this verse, He will protect you as the apple of the eye (Psalm 17:8). You will see this happen in your life also.
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul