Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
When I was working as a teacher, one of my fellow teachers asked me to pray for his son. Though he was a non-Christian, he had faith in prayer. His son was studying in the final year of the Engineering course. But he was not regular in attending the college. The examinations were drawing near. I asked him to pray with his wife for his son to the Lord in the words they knew and also to thank the Lord. I asked him to let the Lord know their problem. When they did so with a true heart, the Lord led them in a wonderful way. He had been irregular in doing his practical work. When the time came for submission of Practical Record Notebook he could not do so. But he was in a group of students who worked together in the Laboratory. They completed the work and helped him to submit his record too as it was group work. As it was submitted along with others, the Professor signed it along with the other records. On the day of the practical exam, he went late only. There was only one question paper left for him. It so happened that it was the only question he knew. He did it well and earned good marks too. The Lord listened to the prayer of his parents.
Dear Brother/ Sister, do not be dismayed by the struggles and problems in the lives of your children. The Lord hears prayers. Go to His presence and make Him know your problems with thanksgiving. He will do wonders. He will bless you in unexpected ways by giving you success and exaltation.
May the Lord bless you!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.