O God of Love, I thank You for this good time of prayer. In the past, You have heard my prayer and given me deliverance and have crowned me with happiness. Now, O Lord, help me in the struggles I have, both bodily and spiritually. I humble myself before You and plead for Your mercy. O Jesus Christ, gird me with strength by Your steadfast love. I am eagerly expecting deliverance and praying for it. You are a God who hears prayers. Have mercy on me and help me for the struggles to vanish. These struggles make me sore depressed at times. My life is in Your hands. O Jesus Christ, for my sake You gave Yourself on the cross as a sacrifice. Have mercy on me. Today make Your fiery Holy Spirit burn in me. O Lord, destroy the works of the devil that works against me invisibly. You alone can give me deliverance, strength and healing. I commit myself to live for You as Your own. In the present situation, I am not able to sleep alone at night times. Deliver me right now, O Jesus Christ! You can do that. So, I again plead with You humbling myself before You. Work a miracle in me and make me a witness for You. Help me to be steadfast in loving You and to stand for You. Bless me. In the name of Jesus Christ, O Father. Amen.