Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Once, while ministering in a foreign land, a non-Christian lady accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Not only that, her eldest son too accepted Jesus Christ by the grace of the Lord. She brought her younger son also for prayer with the intention that he also should accept the Lord. But that son was so furious and enquired why they took him to me. That sister was highly agonized at heart but was praying in her heart with the belief that he would become normal as soon as I would start speaking to him. When I started to greet him and began to talk to him, he was angry with me. But the Lord revealed one thing to me. I told him that he was suffering from severe sweating in his hands. Then his anger subsided and he began to eagerly listen to me. I also told him that he was terrified by the serpent he saw in his dreams. He admitted the fact. Then I enquired him whether I could pray for him. He nodded his head. We prayed and the Lord listened to our prayer and transformed his life. Today he is a worship leader in a church. The Lord has totally transformed him. He is an attorney and a worshipper of the Lord.
Dear Brother/ Sister, do not be disheartened that someone in your family has not been saved. Trust the Lord, and have fellowship with God’s children. Transformation will definitely come and you will see that they live for the Lord.
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul