“The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.”
Psalm 121:8
Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
It was night prayer on 2nd November, 1984 in T.E.L.C. Middle School in Pudukottai. It was arranged by the Head-master of the school. Late Bro. G. Samuel had been invited to bring the message of the Lord. Only the previous month he had been miraculously healed by the Lord from cancer in his throat. He was perplexed whether he could go or not. He consulted me. I told him to go as it would give him happiness and blessings. He asked me if I could accompany him. I consented. The next day was the day of final funeral rites for the then Indian Prime Minister Indra Gandhi. So, it was clear that there would be no public transport facilities available. I suggested going by my scooter. But he said that he would not be able to sit as a pillion rider that far. Then the alternative was to go by bus alone. The next question was how to return the next day. I told him that the Lord would provide us with a vehicle if we came to the bus-stand by 5 a.m. on the 3rd. It was so decided. When we went to the bus-stand at Trichy that evening, there was only one bus yellow in colour waiting for passengers to leave for Pudukottai. The whole bus-stand seemed to be deserted. We boarded the bus and my companion enquired the conductor whether the bus would return. He was not certain about it and said that the bus was going to Pudukottai only because its shed was there.
We reached the place where the prayer meeting was going on. Praises and thanks were offered. Then Bro. Samuel gave the message of the Lord. Early at 4:30 in the morning Bro. Thomas took us by his bike to the bus-stand and dropped us there. Then he left. There were no buses there. A taxi came and stood before us. When enquired the driver said that the taxi was proceeding to Trichy. It was returning after delivering the day’s newspaper. We asked the man who had hired the taxi whether we could also accompany them to Trichy. He said that they were returning with fear and that we could very well accompany them. According to the word of the Lord, the vehicle came at 5 O’clock and we could reach our place safe.
Dear Brother/ Sister, today you need not be dismayed by the fact that you have not been able to return to the nation where you work because the flights have been cancelled on account of the lockdown. Your spouse and family may be there. Do not fret. As you look up to the Lord from where the help comes, He will work a miracle and bless you. He alone can set right our path without obstacles in the way. Today you will have help from above. Let us look to the loving Lord Jesus Christ. He will place before you an open door which cannot be shut. He will take care of your travels and bless you.
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.