O God of love, I thank You much for this time of prayer. I greatly honour and love You, O Lord, for hearing my prayers and answering them. O Jesus, You bore all my weaknesses on the cross, help me to be delivered from this weakness. Recently, I am being immobilized by terrible diseases that overcome me one after the other. Be merciful to me, O Lord. As a result of the illness in the body, I am not even able to do my daily routine work. Sometimes I am tempted to think that only I suffer when others who are worldly have no problems at all. O Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. Help me and deliver me from this illness. The woman who suffered from the issue of blood was healed by you; have mercy on me too. You bore all my weaknesses on the cross, have mercy on me. I believe that you can heal me with your word, authority and the stripe on your body. O Lord, the nature of this disease makes me worry over it. I wait on You for the time when You would have mercy on me. O Jesus Christ, if my sins and iniquities are the reason for preventing me from a miracle, kindly forgive me. This disease should not affect anyone else in the family. Please protect them. I have been bearing witness on the miracles you have done in my life. Help me to bear witness in this disease also. I praise You with the belief that You would heal me. I thank you. Hear my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.