Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Several years ago, we conducted monthly prayer meetings in the house of a teacher. The family had no children and were going through painful times. Three times the woman conceived, but after a few months she had miscarriage. The experienced doctors who examined her said that as the uterus was very small, it could not accommodate the growing foetus and therefore it resulted in miscarriage. She had been told to adopt a child. Naturally, they were worried. But they opened up their house for monthly prayer meeting.
One day the Lord promised that they would be blessed with a child. She also became pregnant. She had fear that there might be miscarriage after third or fourth month. The families that lived next door on both sides belonged to a particular religion and had the desire to own this house too. They had indulged in sorcery. This fact was also revealed by the Lord. The child grew well in her uterus and in a few months the man who had done sorcery against this family died in an accident. The family which opened their house for prayer was blessed with a male baby.
Dear child of God, when you open your house for ministry, the Lord will remove any witchcraft or curse against you. He will bless you fulfilling the verse: “. . . In every place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you.” (Ex. 20:24)
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul