Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Once a servant of God came to me for prayer. He had ministered in several countries. He was also a visiting Bible Teacher in several Theological Institutes. He was taken to me for prayer by another servant of God, as he had no peace of mind. I told them that we could pray after having a cup of tea. But that servant of God was impatient and wanted to leave as he had no hope.
I took him aside and asked him to take the suicide note from his pocket. He was astonished and asked me how I knew about it. He had made up his mind to commit suicide as soon as he would go back to his place. I told him that the Lord Jesus Christ loved him so much that He only brought him to me for prayer. I also spoke to him about the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. He would not forsake any one who comes to Him. He lives today. It is His desire that we should live and work for Him. He knows our mental state. He is merciful enough to forgive our sins and to give us a new lease of life in Him. He had moulded him into His servant. I assured him that He would further make him better and help him to do a better ministry in a new way. Thus, I comforted him. He took that suicidal note and tore it to pieces and committed to live a new life in Christ.
Dear Brother/ Sister, do not think that you have sinned and therefore are unfit to do ministry. As you relent and confess it before the Lord, He would definitely forgive you. He has told us to forgive seven times seventy. He would forgive you. He would make everything good in a wonderful way at every level and bless you.
May the Lord bless you!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul