Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
The Principal of a public school invited me to come for prayer. His wife also worked in the same school. When I prayed for him, the Holy Spirit revealed to him that he should resign his job and should start a new school for himself and the Lord would help him. He was also advised to adopt a particular colour uniform for the school children. He started the construction work for buildings of the school in the small plot owned by him. As the Lord granted him people useful for him, the work progressed with adequate supply of goods. The suppliers were very liberal with him and asked him to settle the bill as and when he had money. It was a building with just four classrooms. In the first year itself, more than 100 students were admitted in the Residential School. Slowly the school progressed into a big one and is working in an exemplary manner.
When we honour the word of God and obey it, it becomes a great blessing. As Isaac dwelt in the place where the Lord instructed him to dwell without straying into Egypt, the Lord God blessed him. When he sowed there, the Lord blessed him a hundred times. He, day by day, multiplied and became great. Similarly, the Lord blesses those who obey the word of God.
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.