Beloved in Christ,
Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
On 18th of last month we were ministering in the region of Yaalpanam in Sri Lanka. A meeting had been arranged in a place devastated by war. In the meeting many who had no knowledge of Jesus Christ took part. At the end of the meeting, prayers were made individually for all of them. At that time an old person came coughing. He was afflicted by a demon and so was coughing continuously. The evil spirit convulsed him very much during prayer, but left him. The cough stopped completely as soon as the evil spirit left him.
Dear Brother / Sister, you may be suffering with some affliction in your body. When the evil spirit leaves you, you would become hale and healthy. You will be blessed.
Today seek the Lord. Trust Him. He will do a miracle. He does not change. He is the same today.
The blessings of the Lord be with us!
In the service of Christ Jesus,
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul