Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
I was working as a Physical Director in Bishop Heber Higher Secondary School in Trichy. When I accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord in my life, there came a great change in my life. As the gifts of the Holy Spirit operated in me, many of my colleagues would ask me to pray for their problems. When a teacher told me that he had been transferred to another Diocesan school and asked me to pray for him as he was in grief, I asked him to go there and join duty. I also told him that he would come back to the same school on a particular date of a particular month the same year. He joined the new school. But another mathematics teacher in my school was promoted as Headmaster and was sent to another school and there arose a vacancy for the post of Mathematics teacher. So as the Lord had predicted, this man was against transferred to the same school.
A Muslim teacher who heard and saw this came to me and asked me to pray for his wife. He enquired whether I could go to his house. As the Holy Spirit guided me, I enquired him about his problem. He told me that the child born to his wife would die immediately. So, he had no child. He was in grief. I made a suggestion to him. I asked him to accept Jesus Christ and to pray to Him for a child daily as soon as he got up from sleep early in the morning for 7 weeks saying, “O Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. Give a good child. Forgive all my sins.” I assured him that he would have children. Then I left for home. He had the grace of Jesus Christ. That same year the Lord Jesus Christ granted him a child. Not only that, the Lord helped them to have more children. The day we place our trust in Him, He will begin to work for our sake and bless us.
May the Lord bless you!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.