Dearly beloved in Christ,
I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Once, I was invited by a retired Headmaster of a school to come to his house to pray, at the end of the ministry in a region. I was preparing to pray for the prayer point given by him. His daughter was working as an engineer in the government. She was aged 30 but had not got married. I prayed for it and then I asked them to remove the first photo in photo album and assured them that the marriage would be settled then. They enquired about the photo. I told them it was taken before a building. They denied that they did not take any such photo. Then I left the place. They enquired her daughter as soon as she returned from the office whether she went on tour to northern India. She admitted to have gone on an educational tour to visit a building there at time of her college studies. When they enquired about any photo taken there, she immediately said that the first one in her album was her photo before that building. As it was said to be a tomb by the preacher, they asked her to remove it. She also obeyed, and that very month the marriage was settled. The marriage took place.
We go to visit wrong places without understanding what they are. We take photos there from different angles and keep them at home. As a result, certain evil spirits begin to operate and create problems and fill our families with sorrows. Let us today act with clarity in our hearts. Without grief or sorrows, the Lord will protect and lead us.
May the Lord bless us!
Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul