Ponder And Practice

                                                                                                “You will keep him in perfect peace,

                                                                                    whose mind  is stayed on You, because he trusts in You”

                                                                                                                                                                             Isaiah 26:3

Dearly beloved in Christ,

I greet you in the sweet name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Once we stayed with a person in a foreign land where we ministered. In the night after ministering there, we were resting. The brother of the owner of the house came to meet us. He is running a vegetable store in the area. He chatted with us for some time and enquired us about the ministry. But he was all along with sorrows. I asked him a question. It was concerning an evil thing that he had in mind that he intended doing that night. He looked at me questioningly. I asked him to throw away the poison he had. He wept and looked at me. I asked him why he wanted to kill his wife and children, and then commit suicide. He replied that he had no way to live, no place to reside and rest and knew no way to live. I told him a thing. I asked him to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and to seek Him. I assured him that the Lord would provide for him and protect and bless him. Already the Lord had protected him three times from sure death in the past. When I told him that he confessed with tears how he was saved from the furnace when he worked in a ship. Again, the Lord saved him when the man who loaned him money came angrily to kill him. He was very near him to a pit where he had hidden himself. In spite of all this he relied on his self-righteousness and did not seek the loving God. Hence, he met with failure in all his attempts and faced loss and sufferings. He finally wanted to commit suicide. I told him to give up that idea and to trust in Jesus Christ. I assured him that the Lord would protect him if he trusted in Him fully as He is the Lord of lords. The Lord would protect the whole family and would give them peace. If they sought the Lord with their whole heart, He would not forsake them. Thus, advising them I sent him away.

The next time I went to do ministry in that area, he came to the airport to take me in his vehicle. I asked him what happened in his life. He told me that he took part in the worship in Hatton Methodist Church the next day where I was sharing the message of the Lord. He told me that one of his relatives gave him that vehicle and asked him to give only Rs. 5000, as he got an employment abroad. He asked him to earn using the vehicle and to pay the monthly instalment in the bank. Then he began to believe and seek the Lord with all his heart.

May the Lord bless you!

Bro. C. Ebenezer Paul.