
                                                                                      A PRAYER FOR RELIEF FROM DEBTS

Loving Lord, I thank You for this good time of prayer. The problem that oppresses me today is debt. O Lord, I am today overburdened with debts borrowed from different sources as the interest seemed to be low. I have been borrowing loans with the belief that I could settle them by selling this property or that. As I am overburdened, I keep borrowing to pay interest alone. As the borrowed money keeps piling up, I am depressed. The words of persons from whom I have borrowed hurts me much. I now realize the truth in verse of the Bible: “the borrower is servant to the lender” (Prov. 22:7). When the lender comes to get the money, I ask my family members to tell them a lie that I am not available at home. I have not been able to enjoy the blessings of the verse: “For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you” (Deut. 15:6). The statement of the verse, “The wicked borrows and does not repay. . .” (Psalm 37:21), is true in my case. Because of worries, I am not able to sleep at nights. The thought of suicide also keeps cropping up now and then. All my earnings go into the pocket of others. Today, O Lord, I decide not to take any loans hereafter. I humble myself before You. You who blessed the five loaves of bread and two fish and supplied the needs of more than 5000 people bless and multiply my earnings too. I praise and thank You for what You are going to do in my life hearing this prayer. I thank You for Your mercy and favour. Help me to overcome this debt-trap. Hear my petitions. In the name of Jesus Christ, I make this prayer, O good Father. Amen.