
                                                                                  NEW YEAR PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING

O God of love, I praise and thank You. You strengthened and protected me through out last year. I thank You for that thousands of thousand times. Even though I have come through many critical situations, You have protected me so well by Your grace. I thank You for Your love and mercy. In my weakness, You gave me strength and led me. Thank You; in testing times of depression and weariness, You protected me as the apple of the eye. I thank You for that. O Lord, You know that I had struggles, doubts and fears as to whether I would enter this year. You have helped me to overcome them. For that I thank You. You have revived my health and transformed my worrisome situations and made me see this year in a wonderful way; I thank You for that from the depth of my heart. With a tearful heart of gratitude, I remember the mighty hand of Yours and thank You. As I remembered Your word, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits,” and thanked You, You forgave me; and I thank You for that. As You redeemed me from destruction, I thank You. O Lord, You filled my mouth with good things; I praise and thank You. You gave me new strength and led me; thank You. O Lord, I praise with the belief that You would help me to walk with You throughout this year. Things I could not do myself, You helped me to do; thank You for that. I praise You with the hope that You would continue to lead me perfectly this year also. So far You have blessed me and those of my family, hearing our prayers; we thank You. You have been my refuge and protection; I thank You. O Lord, give me strength and wisdom to do things pleasing You this year also. Accept my prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, O Father. Amen.